Saturday, December 17, 2011

You can't make this stuff up!

So here we are on a bright and sunny Saturday and Bob is at it early in the morning. He is doing his usual stuff and also using a blow torch again. My husband says that if you look at the light and your eyes are not protected, you can become bling permanently! He started at around 9 AM and annoyed me up until about 5 PM. that was actually pretty early for him to quit because usually it is around 9 pm. Just to feel like I had some control (which we all know that I have none against this state and the ignorant people in it), I called the police again several times. I even told them that there are two huge metal tanks with nozzles on them that he uses for his blow torch and that they can explode at any minute. Of course, no one came either time I called as usual. My husband left early to run some errands so I was home alone (usually I am during the week as well because he has to work).

My husband came back home and was thoroughly annoyed that he came back to the same noise that he left that morning. Before Bob stopped, We into the living room to get away from the noise. We started to watch a movie when we felt the annoying rumbles of my neighbors surround sound system. They like movies a lot. They actually have a wall that they built a cabinet into (it is huge) and they watch the loudest, most action-packed movies that they can find! At this point, my husband is extremely annoyed and wanted to confront them but I told him to let me do it because I did not want him to get upset and yell at them. He is very nice but everyone has a boiling point you know? I called their phone and no one answered (due to the deafening noise from the surround sound), so I had to go downstairs. When the wife opened the door, she already seemed pretty annoyed because she knew what I was there for. I politely explained to her that we can feel the bass from the surround sound through our couch (not the first time we have had to tell them this). She told me that the last tenants never complained. I asked her if it was because they were noisy as well. She admitted it and that the lady had four loud children. She said that they have surround sound. I told her that I knew but that we have it as well but we do not turn the woofer up because we do not want to disturb anyone.

Her husband, who has to be about seventy years of age, said that he does not even use all of the speakers (mind you, the surround sound system on their tv is one of four in their apartment, at least one of which has several speakers the size of DJ speakers..and equal in power). She also told me that the reason that we heard and felt it so much was because we did not have a lot of furniture (I am perplexed at how someone who is twice my age could be so dense). I made no mention of it, told her that I appreciated them turning it down in advance, and I went back upstairs.

About five minutes later, the bass was back up full blast. My husband was livid, I told him that I was just going to go lay down. I was at a loss at that point. After a few screams and tears, my husband reassured me that everything would be okay and I calmed down. I got back up out of bed and am okay now but this place will make you lose your effin mind! Oh, husband went back to our old apartment to do something and as usual, there was no parking as usual.

This is very common in New Jersey as many people have multiple cars per apartment and house. He parked next to a fire hydrant right in front of the house (the same one that people on that street park at overnight and never get tickets), went in for a few minutes and came out to find a $54.00 ticket! That is New Jersey for ya! Don't get me started on the fact that the sweeper sweeps our disgusting streets four times a week (only weekdays), so you cannot park on one side for two days between certain hours (usually a two-hour block). So you constantly have to move your car if you do not want a $42.00 ticket! Oh, I should mention that those stupid things only kick garbage around from one side to the next. We should have the cleanest streets in America but we have the dirtiest, most disgusting streets! My husband is from California and rarely saw a sweeper if at all and the streets stayed clean! It is just a scam to give people tax-free tickets! While the politicians line their pockets, the people suffer under their power and they wonder why crime is so bad here..go figure. I loathe this state and the inconsiderate people in it. I do not mean everyone..just most of them! Okay, I am done venting for now, but heed my warning..STAY AWAY!

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