Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Yep..a third day of mayhem!

Same stuff different day. I am considering calling the police on "Bob the Builder" even though I said I would not bother because they do not come. However, I finally got in touch with zoning enforcement and they said that it would be over a week until they could get someone out. I don't want to wait another week or go through more of this!

In addition to the noise, someone in my house is smoking marijuana and it is all through the apartment. We asked the neighbor downstairs and he said that they had the same thing has been happening downstairs even before we moved in. He said that he thought it was his sons (two older adult males) and he burst in their room to try to catch them but found nothing. Not sure if I believe that but whatever.

If it is not them, then it would have to be the ground floor apartment. However, we have not really spoken to them enough to establish a relationship where we feel comfortable enough to ask them if they are smoking weed. Plus, there are like three different families living in that tiny two bedroom (so common in this state). I just sent a text to our property manager because I need to know what to do about this.

I have a friend who lives in the next city in a "better" section of the city. She is having the same problem and now has to move because of this. That sucks because she just moved in a few months ago but her landlord can't do anything. We are both going through the same issues with noise and drug fumes. The only difference is that her neighbor threatened her because he thinks that she stomps above his head, when in fact it is the people next door to her.

This is classic New Jersey, you have adults living at home with mommy and daddy. They eat cereal, watch cartoons, and play 'Guitar Hero' in their boxers all day. The whole state is dirty, corrupt, overpriced, and overrated. My question is "Why are people foaming out of the mouth to get here?" I will make it my mission to expose what really goes on here..not just in the urban areas because, I assure you..the suburbs have their own dirty secrets too!

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