Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Jersey Shore


I went to the beach on Sunday down in Belmar (Spring Lakes Beach).We wanted to get away from the city area so we took a drive down. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised at the cleanliness of the beach (for the most part..I did find a spot or two with dog poo). The water was really clean and was not full of garbage. The bathrooms were actually clean. Also, there weren't many people there which was shocking. It could be because the summer hasn't fully set in yet. We met some really nice retirees and everything.

New Jersey has finally done something to impress me. See..it's not always so horrible. I like to point out the good things as well. Oh..the coolest thing about the beach is the fact that it was free. We didn't even have to pay for parking (maybe because it was Sunday). Well..that's all for now. If you do end up here for whatever reason..head on over to Spring Lakes, it's worth it!